Reviews about Artrovex

  • Иван
    In the past few months, I will bother the knee joint. The pain isn't all that hard, but the long walk is heart-felt and very serious. I talked to the doctor, and the operation is not shown. The doctor advised him to Artrovex. I really liked the cream.
  • Радка
    Problems in the joints, do I have to lose more or less of the youth, as well as for many years I used to play the piano. I have tried many topical creams for pain in the joints, but it's your choice, I was standing in the Artrovex. This cream has been proven to be the most effective.
  • Васил
    The pain in the back and make it impossible for me to live in the past few years. I have found a tool that has really helped me is a cream Artrovex . The wife is making me a massage with this cream, and after that, I feel a pleasant warmth and a feeling of "pins and needles". The pain passes quickly, and, with the use of a constant to me, it makes it a lot easier.
  • Елена
    I practice sports, concussions and sprains of my regular satellites. Artrovex it is one of the few tools that is truly a rescue in a situation like this. In addition to this, I do like the cream, only natural substances. So far so good.
  • Мария
    The first time I tried it Artrovex the box as a twisted leg. The joint on the leg swelled, and for a long time, and I couldn't get off the couch. After the bandage was removed, I started using this miracle cream. My feet have recovered, for in the short term, even the doctors couldn't believe it!
User rating Artrovex